This is hilarious!
This is hilarious!
Thank you! 🥰
Cute! Nice use of visual gags. The chimney coughing the presents back up was funny.
Thank you! Im glad that you liked it :D
Very neat. I feel like it could use a simple background to really seal it.
I will keep it in mind for the next one! thank you!
This is a Kumatora post, here are your free 5 stars.
Thank you :) Glad you thought it was cool
Great stuff as always Gorupos!
thankyou so much m8! :'D
I just got done watching the series up to this point and I have to say this may be one of my favorite online cartoons ever. Excellent concept, great chemistry from the cast, the art has this nice sort of roughness to it. Very excited to see more!
Thank you! I'm writing more at the moment, and comments like this are encouraging!
Upgrades people, upgrades!
yes >:)
22 || Artist/Animator stuck in the 2000s
Age 25, Male
New York City
Joined on 11/18/20